I was born in Los Angeles, California in 1986.
My parents are Chinese Indonesians, which means they are Chinese by ethnicity but were raised in Indonesia. I grew up in 3 different countries: Indonesia, Singapore, and the United States. I had to part from my family in Indonesia when I was just 12 years old due to a racial riot, where the Chinese were oppressed. I became independent at the age of 12 years old.
Like most Asian upbringings, I have a tiger mom (she still is). My father is hardworking and stuck with one job all his life. My mom tries very hard to have a career too. I was raised by a helper/nanny and had a lot of extracurricular classes. My upbringing focuses on academic excellence and developing ‘talents’.
The way your parents speak to you becomes the default voice inside your head. I have always strived for perfectionism since I was young. I was bright, strong, and talented. I played the piano, I painted, I sang, I swam fast, I learned karate, I wrote well. I was brilliant at school.
10s – 20s
My teenage years began when I was 12 years old. I lived alone in Singapore and had (almost) equal responsibility as an adult. I had two younger siblings who I had responsibility for and my school work. I helped my siblings apply for schools, looked for them when they broke the curfew, managed my bank account, and paid bills.
I was admitted to (possibly) the world’s best art school in Los Angeles when I was 20.
Different country and language, rented room, no family nor friends, different culture. It was a steep learning curve for a little girl, it was hard to bear. I made it through by having several kind people around me: friends, a school mentor, ex-boyfriend.
I had many hobbies and had difficulty deciding my path. In college (16), I took Chemical Engineering for a year before Media Design. Later at 21 in the USA, I changed to Graphic Design for a year, then to Product Design. After internships in Copenhagen and Tokyo, I graduated at 25. Phew!
I have worked in Singapore, and now Oslo as a User Experience (UX) and Service designer. I have 10+ years of experience in the digital creative industry. I am married to a Norwegian man who I met in school in LA, and I am raising two girls. I speak fluent Norwegian.
We found out soon after the birth of our first child that she had a rare DNA mutation. This means that she will be cognitively and intellectually impaired, and has some health condition that requires regular follow-ups. This hit us like a storm back then. Today, we have accepted our daughter as she is.
Having had many unresolved emotions, loneliness, career, and parenting burdens. I turned inwards. I eventually became a certified yoga and meditation teacher in Indonesia. And teach Hatha yoga and meditation here in Oslo on top of my full-time job.