She who became the sun

I work with minority women to break destructive tendencies and take positive action.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

— A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

What coaching is

  • A partnership that helps clients grow and achieve goals.

  • Client-focused, empowering self-discovery and solutions.

  • Action-oriented, helping set goals and take action.

  • Supports and accountability in a non-judgmental space.

  • Measures their progress as they go.

  • Transforms one of the most difficult situations to the best.

What coaching isn’t

  • Not therapy or treating mental health issues.

  • Not mentoring or giving advice.

  • Not consulting or offering solutions.

  • Not teaching or skill training.

  • Not a quick fix or about the coach’s agenda.

Who is it for?

My coaching is for minority women navigating :

  • identity crisis and questioning their work, life, and purpose.

  • feeling stuck with their career development and related life decisions.

  • running out of creativity and inspiration to carry on.

  • struggling to hold space for herself, and drawing boundaries.

  • migration, language, culture, and being a minority.

  • highs and lows of being a woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter, an employee, and finding you.

Am I a minority woman?

If you are a women who belong to an ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, culture, language, or disability group that is underrepresented in the dominant culture, you are a minority woman.

Minority women struggle to fit in where they are, they struggle with identity, boundaries, and being heard. Minority women stand in the intersectional discrimination, where multiple aspects of their identity create compounded disadvantages.

60 mins. x 10 weeks

My coaching program comes in a minimum series of ten, and individual sessions can be added on eventually. These meetings can be digital, walk ‘n talk, and in-person (if possible).

First 60 min. – FREE
Thereafter USD 120/hr.