Human matters

I work with you to create a more humane world through ethnographic research, service design, and strategy.

  • International Growth

    Enter a foreign market with a strategy that speaks to the right audience, and identify the market potential. Exp. backup electricity source in Nepal due to frequent power outages.

  • Product Innovation

    Create loveable products/services that nudge positive behavior change, and sustain the change long-term. Exp: EdTech for special needs children, remote healthcare monitoring platform.

  • Program & Policy

    Establish a policy that benefits society and the planet, strategic nudging toward the right behavior over time. Exp: electric vehicle adoption, nationwide vaccination, fair parental leave policy.

We can't change an outcome without first changing our behavior.

And, surprise, our behavior is not entirely a matter of free will.

Parallel process that takes into account how we make decisions every step of the journey.

Combining behavioral economics and service design, we've taken into account these behavioral biases when designing nudges: for better decisions, and thus sustainable behavior change.

Ethical Nudging

Nudging works best for people whose preferences are already close to the desired behavior but need an extra push. For example:

Assuming most consumers know that eating less meat is environmentally friendly, we can nudge those who intend to reduce their meat consumption (but can’t necessarily decide, or are distracted) by placing the vegetable option first in supermarkets, buffet tables, and menus.

Nudging does not work on those without the awareness and intention to change. I practice ethical nudging that is transparent and non-coercive, respecting other’s freedom to choose.

Service Design built on Behavioral Change

Behavioral change is the outcome, while services are the enabler.

I apply Behavioural and Service design methodology to scale change, one experience at a time. The bottom line of such services is to nudge the right behavioral change, this can be done by enhancing social Capability, Opportunity and Motivation (COM).

Collaborative and Participatory

I partner with researchers, governments, businesses, and grassroots changemakers, leveraging expertise and resources. We involved our personality in the testing and piloting of these initiatives to ensure their effectiveness and scalability.

Coaching for consequent and ethical decision

Every gain comes with a sacrifice. What is the underlying intention of this transformation and what are the potential consequences? You will be guided to be true to your original intent, every step of the way though the means might change.